My stay at The Writer’s Well culminates a most blessed journey south with my friend, Master Weaver, Kwasi Asane from Ghana. We came with few expectations except to rest for one night at a peaceful and beautiful place. Of course, much, much more came of it— the blessings of new and renewed friendships; time to talk and to grow, to meditate and walk these sacred grounds, made even more so by the libations and prayers offered by Kwasi. And as Nina Simone sings through the walls of the well, we take our leave, nourished and blessed by the Waters of the Well. Thank you so much for the hospitality you offered even in your physical absence.
Keep Courage and Faith,
Your Sister,
Washington DC
I must confess this has been an experience I don’t think I will ever forget! It just gave me an opportunity to relax and the very serene atmosphere just took me over into another world. I’m sure it will have an effect on my creativity especially with colours when I get back to the MOTHERLAND!
As a matter of fact it does remind me of the Abouri mountains in Ghana…… I would like to say a big THANK YOU for opening up the Writer’s Well for us to stay and experience is all….
May our Ancestors and the Creator continue to bless you and the well and I look forward to the opportunity of visiting sometime again in the future.
“The retreat evokes the word serenity.” In fact, we named one of the rooms when I was here “The Serenity Room.” This is truly a place to not only write, but to invigorate the soul and to truly move “onward and upward!” From that experience I continue to “walk in the world as if nothing’s missing.” (Ren Michail Bethusith)
George Watts
Atlanta, GA
Dear Adilah,
What a paradise! I have truly grown spiritually and professionally. The people who pass through the Writer’s Well are incredible and so are you! May you continue to inspire, grow, and grow people to their fullest potential. I will be back to Write the Fannie Lon Hanner Story, a book for children! Much love my sistah!
M. Zeeri
North Hollywood, CA
Dear Adilah,
The Writer’s Well has been full of wonderful surprises for me as a writer and as a human being. I shall cherish my experiences here like a precious jewel, which I shall take out on special occasions.
Thank you
Michael Dangel Johnson
New York University
Dear Adilah:
Thank you so much for the week at the Writer’s Well. I have been able to write peacefully without the distractions of everyday life. I now have an outline for my memoir and am on my way. I have loved getting to know you. You are a special person and your peaceful spirit has made my stay even more enjoyable.