The Writer's Well is accepting submissions for its 2025 Mosea Lee Barnes Writer's Well Writing Competition. This competition is named in memory and in honor of Adilah Barnes' late mother and her love of writing.
This Contest pays tribute to Adilah's mother, who grew up in the segregated South. Born and raised in the state of Mississippi in 1912, as the eldest of 12 children, she was only able to complete the eighth grade. However, she always loved to write, even if it was no more than her letter writing and greeting cards. She wanted to become a school teacher and valued education greatly. This writing contest pays homage to one of our unsung heroes who rallied her small town in Oroville, California to build her family home. She also brought Black News to that community by providing the Pittsburgh Courier to its weekly subscribers. Mosea Lee Barnes was a well respected trailblazer of her time.​
Writer's who wish to submit:
Submissions must include a cover letter, writing resume/bio and a three page double-spaced writing sample from such genres as memoir, autobiography, short stories, novels, plays, screenplays, or poetry.
The winner of this literary contest will win a One Week Stay at The Writer's Well during 2025
Please submit the complete application to Adilah Barnes
at abpro1@aol.com.